info my name is bibi or sora i use she/they prns 17 lesbian o◡omy friendsWonyoung ‹3 seals ningselle sugar tbz music esp k j & c pop late 90s - 00s pop horror & thriller sanrio video games pokemon brandy minsi cute concepts ggs animanga fashion miu miu nail art pink Dayoung 💟 b000 🍅 wy antis self proclaimed haters annoying people school bugs people who r unnecessarily rude or mean friends osisters fe rose ari naf kila han mimi markus manu jia nafisah mira sarah
To Know priv only req not ok most the time unless i ff. ss okay if its not personal pls dont air my business out... my interests vary and tend to change a lot so sry in advance. most my tweets are jokes & if im srs u can usually tell Go AwayHATER negative in general. corny nsfw nctzen. hate any of my close friends or ur like 13 / over 22. u shit on my ults or interests 24/7 i dont mind jokes but it’s annoying when its constant besides that i have no other criteria just dont be a weirdo note no masc terms, i dont tend to tw or cw at all sorry, and i live tweet shows and movies a lot. my tweets r mainly abt my personal life, school, my friends & my interests!
kpop ive iz1 aespa stayc viviz frms9 gfriend omg onf tbz nctdream april 2wice wjsn kara lvlyz dreamnote nmixx sugar ses + lovesWonyoung 🐰♥︎ eunha yuju yooa jiho ningselle sana 2won jaesung yena jinni bae lara youi jisun nagyung jusun hara mijoo yoon seeun mk dayoung j & cpop chn48 sing girls ytsn hjsn 7senses xueer yuyan tommy february6 namie amuro hikaru utada ayumi hamasaki morning musume =love morebritney brandy arig aaliyah fka twigs the weeknd summer walker tinashe doja frank ocean meg bree runway beyonce tlc